After testing positive for Covid-19 last Sunday, I had some time to draw and reflect on things as I spent the next 10 days in self isolation with my girlfriend. I consider myself a very nostalgic person - I enjoy remembering places, possessions and people in great detail from the past.
Somewhere along the line of thought, I got thinking about my old Honda motorcycle. A 70s trials bike that I had owned and sold a few years ago.
It was a beautiful motorcycle with great lines and style. Although I had little to no knowledge of what to do with them, how to ride one or fix them. Having fucked the engine due to an amateur oil change 😬. We stripped it down to it's frame and completely rebuilt it. Painting and restoring bits as we went, and searching for a worthy new reliable engine.
This whole process happened in my grandad's garage - the Mecca for fixing and making things. 🛠️
👍 It turned out not half bad. Another successful build to add to the family of garage projects.

My illustration
I sketched a muddy TL out in the sticks. I used a large dry brush to create blocks of colour and build up the composition layer by layer. I enjoyed playing with a blue undertone and blue shadow to illustrate denim jeans. The same blue is used on any silver motorcycle parts so they feel metallic. I'd love to learn some tricks and techniques for building up landscapes.