29 Mar

Why ‘Start with why’?!

Around October last year, a few colleagues and I started our own book club. Recommendations are fairly common but it’s hard to find the time to read them all, let alone choose a good one. So to make things easy, we collected everybody’s suggestions and sorted out who wanted to get involved. I was a little quiet initially but by the time the second book assignment came around I warmed to the idea and signed up. The book was “Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action.” written by Simon Sinek. Here’s my write-up about how it went and what I learnt.


Coming into this, I was a bit overwhelmed that I’d have to read a book on something I wouldn’t normally buy and reflect on. It was branded as a Marketing book which I would usually avoid at all costs. The biggest challenge I found was keeping my notes concise, as I nearly ended up copying the whole book. However, there were a few things that really resonated with me in this.

The first was the line ‘everyday is like choosing toothpaste.” I’ve been there plenty of times. It talks about the noise we experience with certain products that don’t have a clear sense of why they exist in the first place. Next time you go buy toothpaste, just look at the abundance of different Colgate toothpastes. I’ll be honest I don’t think I’ve bought the same type twice unless it’s on offer. And its because to get sales, they take up most of the shelf, there’s one for everyone (32 variations to be precise), there’s at least one that’s always on offer, in order to manipulate you. A short term fix for a long term issue.

‘If I’d asked my customers what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster horse’ - Henry Ford

I’d heard this quote before. It tells us not to rely on data, things we can quantify and put into words all the time. This was a real interesting thing to learn. You know that feeling when something feels right but you can't quite put your finger on why it does. This is actually down to our biology not our inability to articulate. Mind BLOWN!

Had you heard of the golden circle ahead of reading?

Nope, never, only the golden ratio but that’s quite different. The golden circle is a very simple representation of how people should communicate their offering to the outside world. It can be applied to many things like how to rally people together, sell things or inspire your employees. The circle is made up of 3 rings. The outer ring is what you do, the middle ring is how you do what you do and lastly the inner ring is why you do what you do. You follow it by working from the inside out. From why to how to what. Throughout the book, Simon reminds us it’s not what you do it’s why you do what you do. And makes a good case of it by applying the golden circle to pivotal stories like the Wright Brothers first flight, the downfall of the American motor industry and how Apple continues to innovate.

“Start with why is repetitive. Although Sinek makes a strong point, he repeats this for the entirety of the book rather than developing the idea and giving more examples. You only need to watch the ted talk to understand the method.”

It’s very repetitive! Whilst I was a little put off by all the remarks to Apple - after all they seem to be used as an example for most things, it really helped to tie the whole thing together and made it easy to follow. The other bit I thought was really clever, is because he uses a handful of examples they became like characters of a novel as you learnt more and more about them, just when you thought you knew everything, the author reveals another reason why they make a great example. It definitely helped me absorb what I was reading. I do now feel the words ‘it’s not what you do, it’s why you do what you do’ etched on my eyeballs. The ted talk is really useful but I feel like it only scratches the surface. Even though what he’s talking about is eyewateringly simple, only with the book will you have those silly moments when you realise JUST how simple it is.

Sinek defines people as WHY-types or HOW-types. Do you think you’re a why or how person? How did you come to this conclusion?

Basically in the book, he explains how Martin Luther King was a why person but every why person needs a how person. A why is just a belief. How’s are the actions we take to realise that belief. Early on I thought of myself as a how type because I dislike standing up in front of people and projecting what I believe in - heck I’ve never done that! Design wise, I can be conceptual but enjoy the roll out of things more. For instance designing a website involves many different parts, but I feel most comfortable doing one thing well. So if someone does the branding, or has an idea of how it should feel I can run with it.

But then the more I thought about it, maybe I’m half how, half why. Yes I can make things happen but I do rather love to dream. The one thing this book really does is sit at the forefront of anything you work on once you’ve read it. Throughout, you’re like ‘What is MY why”.

Why are some people and organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again?

I think you need to be open minded, a good listener and not have the answer for everything. It definitely felt that great collaboration and trust is at the heart of all those examples. The ability to keep on doing it, is no matter how big or successful you get, you never lose those traits.

Score: ????

16 Mar

Does anyone remember VSCO?

I just stumbled across some old pictures I published using an image editing app called VSCO in 2016. I forgot all about them - as you do! To think these were shot on a very poor quality phone at the time. I guess it's just one of many digital traces you leave lying around on the internet as you grow up. I'm sure my Myspace or Bebo account is still hanging around somewhere. Here's what I found:

05/06/2016 - Stopped midwalk to shoot this lego like construction in Shepherds Bush.

Another photo I took on my phone in 2016 using the image editing app VSCO. A proper blast from the past which I'd forgotten all about. This time it was my old Honda TL125s motorcycle which we rebuilt.

OTT editing! - But this is one of the best pictures I have of my old Honda TL125s in it's naked days. Stripped down to it's frame and rebuilt in my Grandad's garage. It wasn't the most reliable but I loved it.

9 Feb

New year, new 35mm prints

Sat out the back of the van, eating some porridge with my best friend Josh in rainy Pembrokeshire.

Back in November, me and Josh went on a little road trip around South Wales. This was our breakfast in the car park.

A narrow view of the Tenby coastline in Wales

Wandering around Tenby, we spotted this little slither of paradise.

Punk Goats

These little fella's were so funny! Kept getting in our way wherever we walked. Plus they look like punk rockers.

Coastal path walk in Pembrokeshire

The best dogs can be found on coastal paths. Shame about some of the walkers.

A brief stop off in Rossilli, The Gower

Before the storm, we tucked into this tidy little place in Rossilli, The Gower.

An unusual up close photo of my dad. He's going to hate this one!

Dad's going to hate this one. But I took a unusually up close shot of him on the train from Corfe Castle to Swanage. I love the amount of detail that came through on this shot.

A break from all the walking. Me and dad watch the sunset.

Sweaty, damp and tired. We had a little light left to guide us to Kimmeridge Bay. It was a beautiful view though.

Josh caught contemplating life

Sometimes you don't have to talk.

Victoria Rooms, Bristol

I feel incredibly lucky that is part of my commute to work. The light always shines real good here.

28 Jan

Blue Monday

In light of Blue Monday last week - considered the most depressing day of the year by those heads of consumerism - I thought I'd inject a little fun into my day. I've been obsessed with watching tutorials on how to dance the Lindyhop recently (a late 20's swing type dance that was huge in America). It's such a joyful thing to watch and listen to. Wish me luck with the dancing!


It was refreshing to draw people like this. I'd usually stay clear of anything that involves people. I found some great imagery online to use as reference - otherwise the people would have looked a little more blob like.

23 Dec

Top 3 of 2019

With 2019 coming to a close very shortly, I thought I'd look back on the year and challenge myself to do some sort of write up without getting too spiritual or pretentious. For me, this years been a little different and there's been some highs and lows but overall I can't be happier going forward into 2020. I went back through my photo's and video's and picked out my top 3.



Back in summer, we put on a surprise party for my best friend's partner at their flat in London. It was sweltering! So much so I thought the leaves were melting. Sadly this was down to our poor, merry state of where to put the bbq, which eventually scorched the leaves that hung above. A weekend full of silly dancing, good music, food and company.


2019 was the year I thought I'd try my luck with owning a van. It's seen a lot of use in it's time so I was a bit weary of how good it would be or whether it would pack up on me. But touch wood, it's been brilliant! Just the ability to go somewhere new with the bike and a hammock in the back has been really fun. Driving to Dungeness was pretty great for a week off. I took this video in Teignmouth after staying the night in the van. Just by luck, there was a skatepark a minute's walk down the beach from here. Since then, the van has offered plenty more trips to Wales, Cornwall and any other skatepark I can find.



Lastly, this photo made the list because it felt like a proper fluke. My uncle and I were in Austria on a snowboard trip - my very first snowboard trip which was very exciting. On the last day, we had a look around Innsbruck. Up until this, I'd only really shot bits of us snowboarding, an odd bit of architecture and of course loads of cars and curious looking motorbikes. We were doing a lot of walking. We walked past this wall and with the light, it felt like a great set up - even if no-one was in the photo, which is usually the case with my photo's. But in the spare of the moment, I cut my uncle off mid sentence and forced him to be in there. Awkwardness and how squinty his face is aside, I really love how it turned out. Plus it's a great reminder of how incredible snowboarding was which wouldn't of happened without this guy.

So there you go, there's my top 3. Until next year, thank you, Merry Christmas and Happy new year!


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